Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pier 5 - The Tasting!

Okay, so if anyone who knew me and my wife read this blog and you asked them about us and the things you read here they would not be surprised to tell you that were random, fun, energetic people who jump head first into all things we do. Tina accepted my proposal on December 26th 2008, and let me tell you have I have never been happier.  What a great year 2008 was, however come December 26th 2009 we still had no place to get married, no plans, no dress, no invitation, not even an announcement. Our families never ended up throwing us an engagement party and by the end of that year we were thinking that we would be engaged forever. Now don't get me wrong it was never for a lack of trying, we had visited thousands of places, Tina may have tried on every dress in the Tri-State area but looking back on our wedding when its not right its not right. In January of 2010 I started a new job, and that put an even bigger hamper on things happening for us. Until we found Pier 5 in Baltimore.

Fitting very snuggly on the Harbor and inside our budget it was a great place to get married. The view was fantastic, the staff enjoyable. It was a hotel, it was a ceremony ground, and it was a reception all in one. What we had left to do was taste the food we were preparing to spend an enormous amount of money on. Never fear, we booked the place in February and the "Wedding Blitz" began. Come May almost everything was on cool down mode when we went in for our tasting in hand. Having just got my T2i a few days earlier of course the camera was in hand to grab pictures.  It was a dream day, could not have asked for better weather and in reality, it was really exciting because it served as a prelude for what to come. We were sat down by our coordinator and began to iron out the specific details, she showed us all sorts of dishes and she sat us down and we began to indulge ourselves in some of the most fantastic food we've ever had. The crab cakes (pictured above) were some of the best I personally have ever had and in sitting in the heart of Baltimore Harbor I would not expect less.

What I had not realized going into this was that there would be so many decisions that needed to be made that day. If we were to do it all again I really would have asked for a cheat sheet so that we could go in with some answers. I think in that two hour session with Pier 5 we made about 70% of the decisions for the wedding. Everyone goes into the wedding knowing that they want a cake but when presented with 30 different cakes picking out the "perfect" one can lead to a prolonged argument. We spent most of that morning picking out napkin styles and what types of wine we wanted and in what order we wanted things server. The picture to the right is what we finally decided on, yes we had a conversation about what folding of napkin we wanted. Needless to say my my Dad and I were enjoying the food and the drinks while Mom and Tina worked out the fine details. I don't want to sound uninterested but in reality Dad and I could only argue about the color of the tablecloth for so long.

After it was all said and done we all headed outside and took a look at where we (less than a month from then) would be getting married. Shooting in this light was a little difficult but I was able to get some of my favorite pictures perhaps ever of my future bride. She just looked so calm and in control that day. Which considering everything we had done was surprising because of all of the decisions we had made. Needless to say, a lovely May day.

As Always I would LOVE some comments people. I see the hits your leaving, I know your here. Say Hi!

1 comment:

  1. Here is my Comment....I think Tina looks beautiful in this picture!
