Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation

Yep! I did it, after years of not being able to get back up to the in-laws house for the Holidays Tina and I set off on our great adventure. We decided to drive from Maryland so a certain four legged creature of ours could come along on the trip. The drive took a long time but went swimmingly. We got to the Phillips house on Saturday evening and exchanged our Christmas gifts. Sunday was a bit of a down day with Church in the morning, and then nothing major that afternoon. We called it an early night because "This van will be leaving our house promptly at 6:00 AM Monday Morning. That's right, Mr. Phillips had planned a ski trip. We headed to Stratton Lodge in Vermont. The complex there is amazing, multiple lifts, a gondola, and many buildings that different paths lead to. It was VERY cold, it was -1 when we arrive and hovered between 0 and 10 degrees all day.

Luckily I was rather warm all day as we were bundled down in gear nice and snug. After doing some little paths, a few slows and what not we decided that it was time to head to the top of the mountain. The gondola right to the top actually took awhile and as this small enclosure we were in got farther and farther to the top my confidence in my skills was lacking.   By the time we go to the top of the mountain I was worried that I would never again see my great state of Maryland. But to be serious the view of the mountains and Vermont was fantastic. Given that we had just had lunch I was nice and full and we began out trail to the bottom. The first time we took a longer winding green that afforded us multiple picture opportunities. The hardest part about shooting in this environment was keeping my lens clear and keeping the camera in one piece. Luckily Tina decided that she felt confident that she would not fall and opted to take the camera. In fact the picture your looking at to the right was taken by her!

Check out these trees at the top of the Mountain!
The day progress without me taking too many falls, and overall I was able to hold my own but but the time the afternoon had set in fatigue was setting in. Having gone past it once before Tina decided to shoot some video of this awesome slope that as built under a bridge. So I proudly present, me skiing.

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