So this has been coming up a bit in my personal life, so in
an effort to talk about things more I will discuss it here. Some of my only
memories of Germany as a youngster was not wanting to go to places like
castles, gardens, and the other cool things I now want to see in Europe. Since
I was young I really had no choice in the matter and was dragged along to 13 different
countries on various trips. The entire way to our given destination I remember
being upset at not being able to play Sega Genesis or Nintendo all day, but
once there ended up having a ton of fun. Something like that happened to me
last night. I don’t love baseball, I don’t watch it when it’s on and I had had
a really long day at work so I was exhausted. But since my Dad had invited me
as his first choice I did not want to let him down, and knew that I had never
been able to go to these night games because I worked a night shift at MICROS. I went to the game expecting it to be what I
had envisioned, a long drawn out affair that would be full of some really awkward
moments where I don’t understand what was going on and ending up with the O’s
loosing. It could not have been farther from the truth, besides the O’s
loosing. I had a BLAST being with my Dad, talking to him taking part in the
game with him. Baseball is something my Dad loves, and being there with my Dad
doing something he loves it made me love it. We got to talk about all sorts of
things, we got to really bond and I was beaming the entire time. I really want
to go to another one and it’s a shame that the season is almost over. I got to
meet all of the people he knows there and we got to really enjoy each other as
adults. I knew that my Dad and I had a lot in common but going to the game with
him just reminded me how cool of a guy he really is. I guess the lesson here is
sometimes there are things that you think that you will not enjoy, but if you
go into it with an open mind you may be surprised to find that you have a ton
of fun. At the end of the night I
thanked my Dad, gave him a big hug and was honestly sad that the night was
over. Last night was one of the best “Father/Son” outings of all time. Thanks

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