Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Doing things with people you Love

So this has been coming up a bit in my personal life, so in an effort to talk about things more I will discuss it here. Some of my only memories of Germany as a youngster was not wanting to go to places like castles, gardens, and the other cool things I now want to see in Europe. Since I was young I really had no choice in the matter and was dragged along to 13 different countries on various trips. The entire way to our given destination I remember being upset at not being able to play Sega Genesis or Nintendo all day, but once there ended up having a ton of fun. Something like that happened to me last night. I don’t love baseball, I don’t watch it when it’s on and I had had a really long day at work so I was exhausted. But since my Dad had invited me as his first choice I did not want to let him down, and knew that I had never been able to go to these night games because I worked a night shift at MICROS.  I went to the game expecting it to be what I had envisioned, a long drawn out affair that would be full of some really awkward moments where I don’t understand what was going on and ending up with the O’s loosing. It could not have been farther from the truth, besides the O’s loosing. I had a BLAST being with my Dad, talking to him taking part in the game with him. Baseball is something my Dad loves, and being there with my Dad doing something he loves it made me love it. We got to talk about all sorts of things, we got to really bond and I was beaming the entire time. I really want to go to another one and it’s a shame that the season is almost over. I got to meet all of the people he knows there and we got to really enjoy each other as adults. I knew that my Dad and I had a lot in common but going to the game with him just reminded me how cool of a guy he really is. I guess the lesson here is sometimes there are things that you think that you will not enjoy, but if you go into it with an open mind you may be surprised to find that you have a ton of fun.  At the end of the night I thanked my Dad, gave him a big hug and was honestly sad that the night was over. Last night was one of the best “Father/Son” outings of all time. Thanks Dad.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Kids Allowed

So in the next month I will be going to not one but two different weddings. The weddings are going to be very different and I am sure to have a good time at both. But last night I was standing and talking with one of the brides and it brought me back to my wedding and all of the hard work and planning that goes into that day. The bride I spoke with last night has politely asked their guests to keep infants out of the ceremony and is getting quite the backlash from her family regarding this. Her opinion is that she does not want a child screaming through the ceremony and then having it immortalized on tape. I remember that this was something that we had originally considered for our wedding and reception. In the end we did in fact get a sitter so that our guests with children would be able to enjoy our wedding with us as adults. Since issues like this have been in the news recently, see here. the question that I have is why is it so offensive to want to enjoy my eating experience without your kids ruining it? Why is it so bad that I want to be able to take an airplane flight without listening to a baby cry for six hours, honestly? Now, being that many of the people in my family have children I understand that they are part of your life, I love your kids, seriously I do. But why do people find it so upsetting when one business says that you cannot bring your kids? They way I see it is that if the business can sustain itself without child patrons, the only people who are affected are the kids themselves. You do not have to go to those establishments, but maybe I want to. I am not offended when you bring your kids to the museum that I am at, I realize that its just as important to their education and they have a right to see these things. I guess my rant really is why are so many people outraged by the idea that establishments could exist without the support of children.

Leave replies, I would love to try to understand that parental side of it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

IT - Lessons in Frustration

I have decided to take this blog in another direction, besides posting things about my hobby (which I have had less and less time to do) I will also be making this just my personal all around blog. I need a place to post about my life and I really like this blog. Don't worry I will eventually get back to posting about my photography but for today:

Working in IT can often lead to many interesting things happening on a day to day occurrence. Today, I looked in my inbox for tickets and found a ticket saying that a machine needed to have java updated. I figured that since my boss assigned the ticket to me and that it needed to get done that I would be proactive, connect to the machine remotely and update the software. So I do just that, they take software upgrades pretty seriously around here so I felt productive for getting that done. I have to leave my desk to take care of another issue, when I come back everyone is asking me why I connected to that machine, why I updated java and why all these things were done. My issue with this is that if everyone but me knows to not update a machine, why would you assign me a ticket for that machine KNOWING that I am the kind of person who would get that done. Very frustrating.